Most Memorable Moments:
Even though the scores didn't reflect it, seeing the crowds
response to our show, nothing like it.
Zee and all of those damn
Jolt colas.
Disney World was a blast, one thing I haven't figured out
is how a few of the members were able to get the Glass handle off of the beer tap at Epcot and get out the door without anyone
seeing. Looking back seeing some of the stuff the corps made off with is hilarious.
Practice in the middle of Salem, man were allot of the
residents pissed because of the noise (AWESOME).
Getting off the bus and going through our pre-show routine of silent stretching,
tai chi, etc... and seeing the other corps faces wondering what the hell we were doing.
94 Contra
Stu and Pancakes.
Robert thought it would be
a good idea if at base camp that the staff cook breakfast for the kids. So we get up and Robert and I attempt to make pancakes.
When it came time to wake the corps, Stu had gotten up early and volunteered to wake the corps.
He donned a bass drum and tipped toed into the middle of the gym. He then started beating the hell out of the drum
and started screaming at the top of his head "GET UP! GET UP AND EAT SOME DAMN PANCAKES!" *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*.
good times.
Chris "OPUS" Chenault
Staff 91-95
I believe this was during the 93 tour. Stuart Spoon refused to shower all summer long and then
the corps' members forced him into the showers at our housing site in Mississippi during DCI finals week. Man he stunk
to high heavens!
Brent Unger
Staff 93-94
- Drummers stealing golf carts and wrecking them during finals
- Cleaning out the mini-bus and
thinking "How dirty can this thing get"
- Getting felt up by the color guard
- Losing a drum off to Jimmy (it was biased)
Adrian getting Jimmy Walker lips after being bit by ants on the mouth
- Going to Toronto and getting lost
- Winning
DCS Div II - due to no competition in our class
- Making shitty t-shirts but thinknig at the time they were awesome.
Comparing Marc to an ewok.
- Being in the best shape of my life
Nelson Velazquez
Soprano 1996