Singing the show before the contest in Michigan. |
Members of the Low Brass on the run in Toronto from the RCMP. |
Run through in Orlando, FL |
From left to right; Nick (soprano), and Adrian Tovar (Baritone). |
Freeday in Toronto. Corps thinks they are surrounded by invisible lava. |
In Canada; From Left to right; Gary (Bari), Adrian (Bari), and Tennessee (Sop) |
F to B: Gary (bari), Adrian (bari), Jose (Mello), Taz (Mello) |
Hornline excited about their new home under a bridge. |
Toronto; ?, Delia Tovar (Instructor), Taz (Mello), ? |
Adrian is all excited about his first sleepover. He's gonna stay up to 11pm & watch scary movies! |