Saturday - June 20, 2009
I think I have finally dried off from the flooding that occurred
during the Show of Shows. blub blub blub...not bad for a contra player with a broken left ankle.
Just so you know, I check on this site every few days or when
I get new information. There's a whole shopping list below of stuff I am looking for and have had no luck discovering
them. Help a brother out!
If you have any additional ideas to improve this site,
let me know. If you also want to donate a dime or two to make the site ad-free and expand the memory, I would
not be opposed (I'd even place a special thanks for you on the website).
Pass the word around about this site. The more people
know about it, the more complete and accurate the site will be. If you are in contact with other Lone Star alums, let
them know about this place. One of the reasons why the site has gained so much in a short amount of time is
because of people sending new information. The goal is to have this site complete (yes, complete) in a year.
A lofty goal indeed, but can be accomplished with your assistance. What is needed includes:
* Any corps' historical information to add (esp.1996-1998)
* Any press of Lone Star (Ads, Drum Corps World, programs,
* Any pictures (any years)
* Sound files (91 93 94 95 97 98)
* Video files (91 93 94 95 97)
* Additional alumni information
* Missing Members (except 93)
* Missing Staff for 95 & 98
* Any additional historical information on Texas drum corps
* Any biographical information, stories, or pictures of Archie
What success that has occurred here now and will occur in the
future depends on its former members. Keep in contact and help to add to the growing amount of information we have.
I still have the goal of having a complete archive of Lone Star. If you have it, I WANT IT! Thanks for all the
help folks!
(This site is Ubu approved.)